Anchor Brewing Company - Porter

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Beschreibung laut Etikett:

San Francisco's famous Anchor Porter brand is made in one of the smallest and most traditional breweries in the world by brewers of Anchor Steam® Beer. Our old-fashioned porter is virtually handmade, with an exceptional respect for the ancient art of brewing. We use 100 % malted barley; generous amounts of fresh, whole hops; entirely natural carbonation; and a simple, natural brewing process that is like no other in the world.

The deep black color; the thick, creamy head; and the intensely rich flavor of Anchor Porter, made in San Francisco since 1972, have earned this delicous and unique brew a worldwide reputation for outstanding quality. It is aesthetically pleasing and wholly superior in every respect.

Marke: Anchor Brewing Company
Alkoholgehalt: 5,6 %
Flaschengröße: 12 fl. oz
Flaschentyp: Glasflasche
Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen

Anchor Brewing Company
1705 Mariposa Street
CA 94107 San Francisco

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