The Inveralmond Brewery - Blackfriar
Premium Scottish Beer
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Perth, the 'Gateway to the Highlands', was known in the Middle Ages for its three great monasteries, all now gone without a trace. One of these, the cloister of Blackfriars, had a famously bloody past, for it was there that King James I was murdered in 1437.
This hearty Blackfriar is as dark and complex as history itself, starting with a rustic earthy charakter and unfolding to reveal roasty, chocolaty flavours, and typical fruity, spicy hints along the way. It is unusually hoppy for a Scottish ale.
Marke: The Inveralmond Brewery
Alkoholgehalt: 7,0 %
Flaschengröße: 0,5 Liter
Flaschentyp: Glasflasche
Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Weizenmalz, Hopfen, Hefe
The Inveralmond Brewery Ltd.
Inveralmond Place 22
PH1 3TS Perth
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