Indslev Bryggeri - Helmuth Kellerbier

Bewertungen: 3.0 von 5. 1 Stimme(n).
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Beschreibung laut Etikett:

We have always been childish and thought all the people in the world are equal. We don't believe in opposites or "us and rhem"-ideology. We don't think there is such a big difference between black and white. And we certainly don't think ours is bigger than yours. Helmuth Kellerbier is a crisp, uber-hoppy thirst-quencher based on the European tradition, executed in the new world way - big, bold and loaded with beautiful hops. Inspired by the life and times of the legendary "Helmuth of Finland" this beer is a manifestation of all the good things in life and is dedicated to all the good people in the whole wide world. Let us come together in peace.

Marke: Indslev Bryggeri
Kellerbier, Zwickel
Alkoholgehalt: 4,6 %
Flaschengröße: 0,33 Liter
Flaschentyp: Glasflasche
Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen, Hefe

Indslev Bryggeri
Store Landevej 13
5580 Nørre Aaby

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