Robinsons - Iron Maiden Trooper Red 'n' Black Porter

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Beschreibung laut Etikett:

"The colour? It's not just black ... it's red too. The Red & Black. Or Red 'n' Black as I would say." Bruce Dickinson, Tasting Session, Dec. 15.

Trooper Red 'n' Black Porter is the first dark beer in the Trooper ranks and a modern take on a recipe dating back centuries. The red and black colour comes from the blend of chocolate and crystal malt which gives this full bodied beer a roasted malt and caramel backbone. The Robinsons' yeast provides hints of both liquorice and honey character to create a delicious warming brew.

Designed yet again by Iron Maiden vocalist and ale aficionado Bruce Dickinson and the Head Brewer at Robinsons Brewery, Red 'n' Black takes its inspiration from an original Robinsons' recipe from the 1850s, a time when porter style beer was becoming increasingly popular in Britain.

Marke: Robinsons
Alkoholgehalt: 6,8 %
Flaschengröße: 0,33 Liter
Flaschentyp: Glasflasche
Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Weizenmalz, Hopfen

Frederic Robinson Ltd.
Wellington St.
Sk1 1JJ Stockport

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