Anchor Brewing Company - Brekle's Brown
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All malt single hop brown ale.
Anchor's roots date back to the early 1850s, when pioneer brewer Gottlieb Brekle arrived in San Francisco. In 1871, he bought abeer- and billiards saloon near Russian Hill, transforming it into the brewery that - 25 years later - was renamed Anchor.
We celebrate 140+ years of San Francisco brewing tradition and the legacy of our Anchor brewers with this classic all-malt, single-hop brown ale. Brewmaster Mark Carpenter's unique recipe for Brekle's Brown is a tip of the hat to our first brewmaster. Our special blend of roasted malts creates its coppery brown color and unusual depth of flavor - richness and complexity without heaviness. The subtly entrancing characteristics of a single hop called Citra perfectly complement this singular maltiness. Cheers from the Anchor brewers.
Marke: Anchor Brewing Company
Ale, Braunbier
Alkoholgehalt: 6,0 %
Flaschengröße: 12 fl. oz
Flaschentyp: Glasflasche
Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen
Anchor Brewing Company
1705 Mariposa Street
CA 94107 San Francisco
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