BrewDog - Cocoa Psycho
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Welcome to the world of Cocoa Psycho, a liquid dimension where pure indulgence reigns.
Imperial Russian stout brewed with chocolate and coffee.
Originally brewed some 250 years ago to celebrate the Russian Royal Family, this 10 % Imperial Stout borrows from the decadence of the time with its extravagantly smooth blend of crushed coffee beans, cacao nibs and dark malts.
But continue to dig a little deeper, past the infusions of vanilla pods and toasted oak chips, and eventually you'll come face-to-face with the madness required to make this beer; a kind of insanity that would Rasputin himself proud.
To fully unleash the aromas and bittersweet luxury of this stout, we recommend drinking it from a stemmed beer glass before taking a sledgehammer to a Faberge Egg.
BrewDog: Beer for Punks. At BrewDog we brew uncompromising, bold and irreverent beer, beer with a soul and a purpose.
Our approach has the same contempt of the mass beer market that the old-school punks had for pop-culture. BrewDog is a modern day rebellion against faceless corporate bureaucracy and the bland, soulless beer they industrially produce.
Ditch the mainstream and say hello to BrewDog.
Marke: BrewDog
Alkoholgehalt: 10,0 %
Flaschengröße: 0,33 Liter
Flaschentyp: Mehrwegflasche (Glas)
Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen, Hefe
BrewDog plc
Balmacassie Industrial Estate
AB41 8BX Ellon
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