BrewDog - Electric India

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Beschreibung laut Etikett:

One day. One brewery. Seven thousand co-creators. Two hundred brewers. The result? Electric India.

This beer is the bastard love child of the craft beer revolution. An unholy union between a Belgian Saison and an India Pale Ale; democratically brewed by our very own Equity for Punks shareholders.

Electric India is a hoppy saison brewed with fresh orange peel, lashing of heather honey, crushed black pepper corns and enthusiastically hopped with mountains of amarillo and nelson sauvin.

A beer for the people, by the people direct from the craft beer republic of BrewDog.

BrewDog: Beer for Punks. At BrewDog we brew uncompromising, bold and irreverent beer, beer with a soul and a purpose.

Our approach has the same contempt of the mass beer market that the old-school punks had for pop-culture. BrewDog is a modern day rebellion against faceless corporate bureaucracy and the bland, soulless beer they industrially produce.

Ditch the mainstream and say hello to BrewDog.

Marke: BrewDog
Alkoholgehalt: 7,2 %
Flaschengröße: 0,33 Liter
Flaschentyp: Mehrwegflasche (Glas)
Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen, Hefe

BrewDog plc
Balmacassie Industrial Estate
AB41 8BX Ellon

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