BrewDog - Hello. My name is Vladimir.
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Hello. My name is Vladimir. I am a bareback double IPA. Gasp, as I ride semi-naked on horseback through the Siberian Tundra and straight down your throat.
I am 100 % hetero and will pass laws to prove it. Drinking me gives you the energy, ignorance and dogmatism required to shoot a deer (with your top off), go river fishing (with your top off) and pass internationally denounced, discriminatory legislation (top optional) before you've even had your caviar breakfast.
I contain sexual performance enhancing limonnik berries - power only to be harnessed by those engaging with the opposite sex, of course.
From Russia without love: Vlad
Warning: May contain traces of sarcasm and protest.
50 % of the profits through sales of this beer will go directly to charities that represent opposed minorities around the world.
At BrewDog we are selfish. We make the beers we want to drink. We are dedicated to making cool, contemporary and progressive beers showcasing some of the world's classic beer styles. All with an innovative twist and customary BrewDog bite.
Marke: BrewDog
Pale Ale
Alkoholgehalt: 8,2 %
Flaschengröße: 0,5 Liter
Flaschentyp: Mehrwegflasche (Glas)
Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen, Hefe
BrewDog plc
Balmacassie Industrial Estate
AB41 8BX Ellon
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