BrewDog - Jack Hammer west coast india pale ale

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Beschreibung laut Etikett:

This IPA is bitter. Very bitter. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Press the button. Go away. What are you waiting for? Your mama's not coming this time. Don't slow down now, hammer it.

Taste the hops and live the dream. Learn to speak beer, love fruit and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, dreamers and warriors - the outlaw elite. Ride toward anarchy and caramel craziness. Let the devastatingly bitter finish rip drill straight through your taste buds.

Put a bullet in the head of mediocrity, raise hell and revel in craft beery awesomeness.

BrewDog: Beer for Punks. At BrewDog we brew uncompromising, bold and irreverent beer, beer with a soul and a purpose.

Our approach has the same contempt of the mass beer market that the old-school punks had for pop-culture. BrewDog is a modern day rebellion against faceless corporate bureaucracy and the bland, soulless beer they industrially produce.

Ditch the mainstream and say hello to BrewDog.

Marke: BrewDog
Pale Ale
Alkoholgehalt: 7,2 %
Flaschengröße: 0,33 Liter
Flaschentyp: Mehrwegflasche (Glas)
Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen, Hefe

BrewDog plc
Balmacassie Industrial Estate
AB41 8BX Ellon

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Heinrichs Getränkemarkt

Solitudeallee 127
70806 Kornwestheim
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