Ridgeway Brewing - Criminally Bad Elf Barleywine-Style Ale
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One of our range of very special christmas beers brewed in England for the USA, we all know of course, that santa is really from Lapland!
It turned out to be a case of mistaken identity, of course wrong place at the wrong time … but Claus was soon back on the street with the polite apologies of the authorities - no questions asked. All's well that ends well, surely, but still, the reporters wanted to know ...
It takes its toll, doesn't it? "Indeed", sighed Claus, "my elf is going crazy, and I fear I shall soon go crazy as well." And with that he hoisted a great flagon of his favorite barleywine-style ale, silently contemplating the future and straining to remember why he got into this paticular line of work in the first place.
Peter Scholey, Brewer.
Marke: Ridgeway Brewing
Spezialbier, Festbier, Starkbier
Alkoholgehalt: 10,5 %
Flaschengröße: 0,5 Liter
Flaschentyp: Glasflasche
Wasser, Gerste, Weizen, Hopfen, Hefe, Zucker
Ridgeway Brewing
RG80JW Oxfordshire
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