Fuegian Beer Company - Cape Horn
Bewertungen: 4.8 von 5. 4 Stimme(n).
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Patagonian beer. Premium export quality. Original recipe.
World's southernmost beer. The Cape Horn route around South America is one of the most dangerous nautical passages in the world. Cape Horn was a part of the clipper routes which carried much of the world's trade. Sailors fear it because of the many sailing mishaps that have occurred due to violent weather in the area.
Cape Horn Beer is brewed with andean glacier water, malted barley from the South American Pampas and hops from Patagonia, providing our beers unique flavors and tastes. Discover the Cape Horn Experience by sharing this brew.
Marke: Fuegian Beer Company
Alkoholgehalt: 5,0 %
Flaschengröße: 0,5 Liter
Flaschentyp: Glasflasche
Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen
Fuegian Beer Company
Héroes de Malvinas 4160
V9410 Ushuaia
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